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在德州的城市散策|San Antonio River Walk


吉客鏈:親水走讀 X 遊河慶典 X 觀光景點串連:休閒購物史蹟 X 城市治水基礎建設



德州的牛仔印象深植人心 - 如:在德州的大開眼界|牛仔很忙 在德州的街頭美食|Texas BBQ at Deep Ellum & Buc-ee's ;而最近感知了在德州一處可以「走讀」的城市 - San Antonio,這城市有處很特別的河區散策 - San Antonio River Walk

The San Antonio River Walk is a city park and special-case pedestrian street in San Antonio, Texas, one level down from the automobile street. The River Walk winds and loops under bridges as two parallel sidewalks lined with restaurants and shops, connecting the major tourist draws such as the Shops at Rivercenter, the Arneson River Theatre, Marriage Island, La Villita, HemisFair Park, the Tower Life Building, the San Antonio Museum of Art, the Pearl, and the city's five Spanish colonial missions, which have been named a World Heritage Site, which includes the Alamo. During the annual springtime Fiesta San Antonio, the River Parade features flowery floats that float down the river. (source: WIKI)

在當地時正遇熱浪來襲,姐和漢爺趁晨涼時從落腳處走入河面層,散步至早餐館,餐後搭上十點啟程的遊河船,體驗了這處很成功的城市吉客鏈:親水走讀 X 遊河慶典 X 觀光景點串連:休閒購物史蹟 X 城市治水基礎建設!



(Video Credit | Chi Hsu)

河道旁都是這般高聳參天的河道樹,1921 年該城市因洪水帶來致命的天災,Robert Hugman 提出以植樹方式做為「疏洪道工程」兼城市景觀的美化專案 - 詳見【註1】,成功地解決防洪問題,亦帶來造福後世的觀光資源。

基於好奇問了 ChatGPT "What kind of tree planted along San Antonio River?" 並請它翻譯成繁體中文:


有了 AI 一起協作,真是太酷了!


在 San Antonio 的週末,走讀了 Shops at River Center,  La Villita, Antonio Museum of Art, 和 the Alamo。坐遊河船時,也都看到 Arneson River Theatre, Marriage Island,Tower Life Building - 相較於姐和漢爺曾遊河過的 紐奧良的密西西比河倫敦的泰晤士河和阿姆斯特丹的運河網,景觀雖小但故事性十足,且更親水,稱是德州最受歡迎的觀光景點,如有點評連結,姐肯定點讚支持!

有關  Shops at River Center,  La Villita, Antonio Museum of Art, 和 the Alamo 再分文介紹,本篇吉客文就先分享些在遊河時【官網見註 2】的見聞 - 從河道上看路面總是多些浪漫,船伕也是遊河的導覽解說員,姐搭上的遊河船上是位拉丁裔的解說員,開朗活潑的笑容和西班牙語腔調的英文,讓整個遊程笑語不斷!

(Photo Credit | Chi Hsu)


【註1】(Source:WIKI)In September 1921, a disastrous flood along the San Antonio River took 51 lives, with an additional 23 people reported missing.[1] Plans were then developed for flood control of the river. Among the plans was to build an upstream dam (Olmos Dam)[2] and bypass a prominent bend of the river in the Downtown area (between present-day Houston Street and Villita Parkway), then to pave over the bend, and create a storm sewer.

Work began on the Olmos Dam and bypass channel in 1926; however, the San Antonio Conservation Society successfully protested the paved sewer option. No major plans came into play until 1929, when San Antonio native and architect Robert Hugman submitted his plans for what would become the River Walk. Although many have been involved in development of the site, the leadership of former mayor Jack White was instrumental in passage of a bond issue that raised funds to empower the 1938 "San Antonio River Beautification Project", which began the evolution of the site into the present 2.5-mile-long (4 km) River Walk.


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